More MU vs. SFPA post game/season ending comments
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I have moved this from the other post to get this one started
Blue Devil said...
You MU fans should be ashamed. Who ever posts anonymously calling for Dave's head is a moron. I clearly think Howie is the best coach in the NEC hands down, but Dave is certainy #2 or #3.
Yes, this team underachived. Maybe part of that can be placed on the coach, but the team didn't have a leader on the court. The kids didn't have the desire or concentration of previous teams. They didn't have playmakers who meshed togeather.
A much as I can't stand Kenny, he was heart and leadership. You may have had talent, but you lacked team. Those MU teams that made the NCAAs were a team with an identity. This team did not.
You guys will rebound and get back in the tourney next year, but please be reaistic in your assesment of MU and the NEC.
There is a lot of parity in this league and you don't beat the St. Francis twins without playing a good game. The name on the jersey means nothing.
From me -
I find it ironic that -in my opinion - the most intelligent post so far following the MU-SFPA game comes from a CCSU fan.
Tony, I think the Hawks have a 10th life, in the 11th hour, now read this out...
at 9-9 FDU, RMU, and MSM are tied...
RMU gets the #4 seed because they are 3-1 against those 2 teams, while the other two are 1-2
Then cause of head to head, MSM gets the #5 seed and FDU #6
So now MU and SFNY are both 6-11, having split with each other
Both teams lost to seeds #1-4
Tiebreaker now goes to the #5 seed, MSM... MU swept MSM, and SFNY lost to them the other night
MU gets the #8 seed
Should be a change in the morning.
So much for Deki's 'guarantee'!
I knew that was the kiss of death to the season. Can't remember any time an athlete's 'guarantee' actually happened.
I tend to agree with Blue Devil. MU fans should not be attacking the coaching staff of our team. The coaching was no different this year than any other year, especially last year. It was the players and lack of leadership on the court that changed. While I loved watching Deki, Marques and Corey, none of them could be the vocal leaders that Chris or Tyler were last year. And don't even get me started on least he learned to catch by the end of the year ;)
Blue Devil hit the nail right on the head by mentioning the fact that this team did not have an identity. When we walked out on the court last year, it was clear that we were here to play our game and win. All situations were under control. That was not clear this year and it seemed we were just riding the coat tails of 2006. All we had was reputation and that got us absolutely nowhere.
This team will definitely bounce back next year. I think Whitney and Mike will step up and run the offense. Whitney seemed timid this year to do that and Mike just had too many problems to really get into the groove. I pray that Youngblood sticks around. He is awesome and will develop into such a strong player for us. And, I'm excited about the incoming recruits and some of the players that didn't play this year. Sounds like we'll have some strong ones according to you Tony.
I still stand by this team, and have for the past 11 years since becoming interested in high school. Through good times and bad, you have to believe -- that's a true fan. This team always had the potential, they just didn't play smart because they lacked leadership on the court.
So RIP 06-07 season and I look forward to a ramped up team in November!
I know you've said this will be a guard-oriented team next season, but after what's transpired this year (other than Youngblood) how comfortable are you with that? The only hope I see among the newcomers is Hett -- who I believe will soon become the starting point guard.
The front line (as it stands now, and assuming Crews leaves, looks very weak).
Right now, I still believe this team will be lucky to win 8 games next season!
Added to that, I have a nagging concern over Youngblood staying here -- he's used to winning (which doesn't look likely here for a while), he's already proven himself at D1, and would be welcome by many coaches at a higher level, & he may be willing to lose a year's eligibility to move on. If that happens, we'll be lucky to win any games next season!Calloway better keep a tight reign on him all summer.
I couldn't agree more with Blue Devil. All those calling for Calloway's head are way too critical. Yes, they underachieved. Yes, it's partly Calloway's fault, but as hard as you try, you can't teach heart. We've been spoiled by the last six years. One down year is not the end of the world. Next year will probably be a down year as well, unless they quickly sign some front court help. I have faith in Calloway and the program. We won't stay down for long. There are a lot of other schools in a much worse situation than us (can't recruit, NCAA suspensions, etc.)
With regard to the statement of "Blue Devil", the coach is responsible for the team and its players. That's the bottom line. The coach needs to take responsibility for his teams lack of performance and the embarassment it caused.
The coach of any team in any sport can't just point the finger at his players and say it's there fault for whatever reason.
That's the coach's duty and responsibility to fix the problem once it's indentified.
The coach was singing a differant tune last year this time wasn't he? It was the great coaching that placed them in the NCAA's. Yeah right!
I think many would have more respect for the coach if he stepped up and took one for the team instead of placing blame on "seniors didn't step up, " no ones a leader on this team", " we need more out of Bunch", "Decki needs to make more shots", "we missed our free throws", etc.
It may all be true, but as a coach you must fix the problem. That's your job!
If this were a corporate situation, you know for sure what the outcome would be.
Let's stop all the blame, take the shot and let's start preparing for next season.
Place all that energy on recruitment. You will notice the positive return immediately.
I spoke to the NEC. MU is out. It's not based on seeds. It's based on how MU did vs. the three teams that were tied for that spot and MU's record fell short.
Tony I've been saying this all along to the Dave hatters. To those of you who think that one season means the coach should be fired are just as silly as the people of West Long Branch who think the MAC will sell out every night and the traffic will be backed up to the end of larchwood.
Plain and simple it was a bad season and NONE of the seniors stepped up. I don't want to hear about how one of the seniors is not a vocal leader, that is crap. When you are a leader you step up and rally your troops. Sometimes that means you have to get in their faces and give them a reality check. Tony you are right the Blue Devil fan is 100% correct, this was never a team.
Dave and the rest of the staff may have had some questional coaching calls this year, we all know that. But most of the players on the floor lacked the heart and drive get it done. I know some of you are probably shaking your heads as you read this because I am questioning the players hearts. But fellas lets face it, we lost to the last place team, didnt play defense the entire season, basically gave up each night when things got tough. None of these items are Monmouth Basketball. Monmouth Basketball has always been about heart. We've never had the biggest, strongest or most athletic teams but you can be damn sure the teams always had heart and gutted out the wins when we needed them.
How many nights in the past did we get out rebounded because we werent big enough, but some how scrapped out the win in the end. How many times in the past did we go in to the locker room down 15-20 points and gutted our way back to a win? Those were TEAMS my friends, and they were TEAMS that had lots of heart and they also had seniors who took it upon themselves to get in their teamates faces and tell them to get their heads in the game.
This was a disgrace to the hoops programs of the past and a let down to all of the people who wholeheartedly supported them this entire year.
Again, to the guys who are calling for Dave's head on a platter, please look back to all of the NCAA appearences and NEC tourney appearences as well as the great coaching moves he made in crunch time in big games and tell me if you think he's not a good coach. There aren't many NEC coaches that can compare to what he has done. Lets just hope that next year they can HIT A FREE THROW!
I will add my 2 cents..well make it 2.5 cents later.
Gotta run out nnow for the day..but hope to talk to Dave later today..he is going recruiting for the rest of the week he told me..
Hopefully he recruits a new job.
The next two seasons will be about the same record 12 to 14 wins at best.The program is in deep trouble because of the turn over and poor recuriting the past three seasons.You better hope Rickey sticks it out,and Hett can play half as well as Tyler.If not next season could be real bad 5-25 and last place in the NEC.But Calloway and his staff will keep working and taking no blame for anything at all.
It’s a shame that the season had to end the way it did, but the guards now have more experience and hopefully understand that the system that Monmouth uses will work if executed properly. That means reduce the turnovers, and make free throws and lay-ups. A slower more methodical approach to the scoring backed up with a strong defense will win in the NEC. I think these players all had ‘heart’, but just didn’t pick up the slack when one of them wasn’t playing up to par on a given night.
Actually I enjoyed most of the games for their excitement, but not necessarily for the outcomes. I feel that most of next year’s players have great scoring potential. I’ve watched several of this year’s practices and if they accept the role that they are given, the Hawks can be a winning team again. Shipman, Coleman, and Youngblood can all average in the double digits. Crews should be able to score with them and will grab plenty of rebounds and be a shot blocker. Nunner and Simpson should come off the bench and be solid performers and are capable of having good scoring streaks in their roles. Hopefully Dobriansky will have an aggressive presence on the court to work the ball down low. Gaitley and Barlow will get some time and can hopefully step up to play center when in there, otherwise Crews will be moved there when Dobriansky is off the court and I think will he will show the hustle that was missing this year. I also hope that Tibbs can get some time and be a spark on the court like Brandon Owens was a few years back. I can’t comment on the new recruits since I’ve never seen them play, but again, if they accept their roles that the coaches give them and on each night someone steps up and takes the ‘Leader Role’ this can be a complete team again.
To Mr. Blue Devil,
First of all, if you like CCSU what the hell are you doing here??? I'm joking.
Second of all, I agree with you to an extent. Having anonymous people who think a) they can do better than Dave as head coach and b) that the reason this season went down the crapper because of Calloway and some questionable decisions is terrible. However, you really think he's #2 in the conference? I highly doubt it.
This year went sour, from my prospective, because of all the craziness surrounding the team itself. Crews decided to run wild and do whatever he did that got him suspended several times and constantly in the Calloway's dog house. Crews could have been a vital asset to the team during that stretch where MU was running a 7-8 man team thanks to injuries.
Secondly, Youngblood was called on too early to step it up. When the Shipman debacle occurred, Jhamar was the only candidate to put in some serious time. He is a great kid and a great player who we can expect some great things from in the next few years, but this season was too soon to ask him to lead this team.
Third, MU lacked a clutch player they could lean on (kinda what Blue Devil said). Deki had some awesome games but took some stupid shots as well. Alston played hurt and saw a lot less minutes because of that. Bunch was way too streaky, and he went from being ice cold in the beginning of the season to a triple double. Hallet is Hallet...end of story. The others, besides Jhamar, are incapable of leading this team because of either age (Coleman) or ability (Shipman).
How can a team that made it to the Dance last year not even make their conference tourney? I guess Tyler and Chris are missed more than anyone could have imagined.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again -- Calloway's remaining 2 scholarships for 07/08 better be the best of his career, because we have no front line next year as it stands now! Everyone we have is the proverbial 'role player' -- that won't get it done.
To make matters even worse, if that problem isn't corrected with these recruits, it won't be corrected for 08/09 either, because guess what people? -- MU has no scholarships for 08/09!!! There are no seniors next year!
Move on said -
"With regard to the statement of "Blue Devil", the coach is responsible for the team and its players. That's the bottom line. The coach needs to take responsibility for his teams lack of performance and the embarassment it caused."
Again, you have no clue. The coach is responsible to develop individual talent in a player and prepare them for games. Gameplanning, substitutions, etc.
On court performance is FT shooting, hustle, blocks, etc. something no coach can control from the sideline.
Did Dave make some questionable moves throughout the season, sure. OK, so how do you explain missed free throws and poor shot selection? The kids play the games!
Again, MU had some talent, but it did not translate into a team effort. Some of that may be coaching, but the majority is the responsibilty of individual players.
Looks like you are looking for a scape goat. What specifically should the coaches have done? Should Dave suit up and shoot FT himself? Sounds like you are looking to blame anybody, but the players.
This off-season has the potential to be as catastrophic to the program as the 'great credit card fraud' did a few years back, when Joe Fermino and his buds decided to go 'charge it' with other people's Visa's.
If we get a few key defections (I'll let you guess who), the program will be in the tank again, just like it was that year.
I just want to know what the relationship is between coach Dave and the Blue Devil. It's immediate family for sure.
The Blue Devil needs to take the emotion out of it.
The only change from a championship team with an NCAA game and a legitmate run at a #1 team and a team that misses the NEC tournament is the backcourt. Replace Tyler and Chris with Jhamar and Whitney/Shipman and look what happens.
I know Jhamar puts up numbers but he is not half the point guard Tyler was. He is not a team player, and is not the kind of direction this team should go in. To win in a league like this you need to either have an absolute star player (Rahsaan, Jermaine Hall, Ron Robinson, etc...) or have five guys on the floor that all care about each other and play hard and as a team. Tyler and Chris brought that, Jhamar doesnt. 31 points in a loss, and 0 assists is not a point guard. He can do that every game next year and they will lose every single one.
Jhamar was NOT recruited as, nor is he a point guard. He was thrust into that role when Shipman went out for seven games.
To Blue devil
The coaches have control over what they do in practice besides running their offensive plays 1000 times. If you see your team is ranked last in the conference for free throws and is struggling with defense why not dedicate an entire practice for just free throws and defense?
How do we know that Blue Devil fan isn't dave and he has took hope into another team?
Sorry Anon, don't even know Dave, and certainy not realted. But I've watched NEC hoops for 10 years. No emotion from me just anaysis, which you've provided nothing.
Actually, it sounds like your a just a bitter person with nothing but silly chatter. Please detail how you woud have coached the Hawks to a NEC championship?
Right..Blue Devil is really Dave. I guess the jig is up!!!
MU spends more time on defense than anything else.
MU practices free throws at the end of every practice..very player has to make a certain amount...Deki spent a lot of time after practice shooting free throws ...
I guess you could spend an entire practice on it....but I think in MU's case it just got to be a mental thing later in the season...
Tony I think the entire season was mental. Does anyone know how many times Bunch was called for walking this season? Also does anyone have an idea why a 7'2" guy chooses to lay the ball up vs dunking the ball? Everyone knows what my focus would be at practice!
This to the Anon Jhamar basher,
1. Youngblood, as Tony pointed out was not recruited as the point for the team. He assumed the role, in the misfortune of another teamate.
2. Youngblood, by far is not a selfish player - so to point out that he had 31 with 0 assists is disgusting. If in fact you actually watched the game he actually dished off several points that would have been his own, however neither time was the play finished.
3. Youngblood, a freshman was forced into being the closest thing to a lead that the team had.
4. This whole season shall be placed on the backs of the Zoning Board, for placing it's negative presence into the season.........
We have to blame someone, they've tried Dave, the Seniors, the freshman, Deki's guarantee, Now "The Zoning Board".
C U Nex Year!!!!!!!!
The WLB Zoning board..of was so obvious! I can't believe I didn't think of that.
Actually..that' pretty funny. Hey, why not?
To the Jet basher,
I'm sure you never played the game. Take a closer look at the game. I understand why you hide your name. Because your a professional "hater". So what do you call machine gun Deki? The Jet shot very few jumpers. Basketball has changed, this game has speed.Ninga turle day's are over.Oh
yea,Tyler or Chris wasn't in the Draft. So stop jocking and get a life," King Hater" Signed Mr. Mac
Jhamar had a splendid rookie season as validated today by his ROY award.
He is the first MU first-year player to score over 30 in a game since Rahsaan Johnson (who did it as a sophomore) in '99-2000.
To the Jhamar Fan Club:
Please explain to me then the difference between last years Championship team and this years team that failed to qualify for even the NEC tournament?
We lose Tyler and Chris only and bring in a "better" player in Jhamar and don't make the tournament.
Guys like Deki and Marques didn't have great seasons this year, where in years past they have been great. This all comes down to a floor general who knows how to get them the ball. I player like Tyler would penetrate or push the ball up the floor, not with the intentions of scoring, but with intentions of setting his teammates up for shots. He always knew where Deki and Chris were on the floor and how to create shots for them. He knew down the stretch (CCSU playoff game 05) to get Marques the ball in scoring situations.
Jhamar does not do this. He puts his head down and attacks the basket with the intention of creating his own shot not that for others. Also his defense was at times, atrocious. Anyone who knows the fine points of the matchup would see how often his is out of position leading to threes (SHU).
Deki was forced to force a lot of shots this year because he did not have a PG capable of getting him the ball. For a freshman to shoot 20+ shots in a game is assinine, and 31 points from him is not good for the team. Marques didn't get nearly enough touches this year for the same reason.
The bottom line is Deki and Marques have 2 rings and have played well in big games. Jhamar has not even seen an NCAA tournament yet, but has an individual accolade. I'll take the team players and the rings
To the last poster re Jhamar -
Here is my suggestion. Please use the rocks in your head to fill the obvious holes.
For the umpteeennth time..Jhamar is not..was not recruited to be, , a point guard, though he does have some PG instincts and was generally thrust into the position when Shipman had his academic issues.
When Shipman came back Jhamar and Whitney started in the back court as it was a situation that had been working, for a while, but Shipman usually came into the game fairly quickly to run "the point."
Defensively Jhamar made some mistakes, but who on this team didn't??
Marques blew a key assignment in the LIU game late leading to a crushing James Williams 3 and Whitney messed up at least twice in defensive rotations that led to SFPA late game baskets.
And in the SHU game - and I point this out only because it happened - MU got Marques the ball twice in good position down low to
to deliver baskets that may have stemmed the SHU rally (he missed) and then Deki clanked a wide open left corner 3 that would have tied the game.
The mistakes Jhamar made were of out of exuberance and inexperience. Older players that should have steadied the team, frankly, failed miserably.
Jhamar would gladly trade his ROY award to be playing tonight in the NEC Tournament.
Then Tony please explain to me why Deki and Marques enjoyed great success their first 3 years (3 NEC tournament appearances, 2 NEC Championships, 1 NCAA Tournament win) with a backcourt of Tyler and Chris Kenny, then suddenly had bad years with the ROY and Whitney/Shipman?
Can't say it's their inexperience, Tyler and Chris won their freshman year!
They played team basketball, team defense, they were there for each other and put the team before themselves. The newcomers did not do that this season.
There was only one newcomer this year - Jhamar - who was recruited as a shooting guard - and was mainly expected to be a sixth-man energizer off the bench. Was he perfect? No. But at least he made some big shots and his effort was never questioned.
You named two other guards Shipman, and Whitney, who in my mind, did not perform as well or consistently as one would have hoped....on defense as well as offense.
This year's problems in a nutshell
1. Young guards
2. Seniors who failed to provide leadership (ie - big shots, or big stops, in key spots).
3. I would have liked to have seen more of an offensive emphasis on slowing the game down and pounding the ball inside to Bunch or Marques.
4. And I almost forgot - the atrocious foul shooting which probably cost MU 2-4 games.
5. and - of course - the WLB Zoning Board! (any shot I can take at them I will).
Yes, but then how can the blame go on the seniors? They have done it before, when you take one ingredient away from a successful team and add a different one and the team becomes unsuccesful, I would say that is where the blame is to fall.
Monmouth (with the exception of 1 year w/ Rahsaan Johnson who was 10x the talent Jhamar is, albeit a headcase) is a team that has always won when they play team basketball. The Russ Anderson's, Kevin Owens', Tom Kaplan, Jayson Krayl's, Steve Bridgemohan, Cameron Mitlon, Chris Kenny's, Tyler Azzarelli's of the world are who Monmouth wins with. Guys who rarely take more than 10 shots a game, play together on defense, run the offense through to under 15 on the shot clock, get backdoors repeatedly even though the other team knows its coming, but cutting hard and having faith in their teammates. That was not there this year, nor will it be for the years to come with what this team is made up of.
If we are blaming people..hey - it was a team effort - coaching staff included.
But the seniors - and you have to start with them because they're seniors - physically came up short too many times in key spots...and the guards' decision making and shot selection often left a lot to be desired ....
Of the seniors I thought Bunch was the only one who was playing at a decent enough steady level down the stretch and if Jhamar felt he had to try and win games by himself - hey, who can blame him?
At the same time - as you point out - these seniors (Corey, Marques, Deki) were part of three championship teams (two NEC Tournaments and one regular season) and, hopefully once the dust clears this year, that's what they'll be most remembered for.
That is what they will be remembered for. And unless Jhamar and the rest of this group show significant improvement in years to come (which I don't see) he will be remembered as the ROY of first MU team to miss the tournament in 10 years. Another Alpha Bangura type player.
Unlike Bangura - Jhamar is going to be here for a while. Now it's up to Dave to fit the correct pieces around him.
Forgive me Tony........
To muhawksfan, you know you have to be the sickest individual to grace this "House that Tony built". Just reading your comments indicating that a mere change of a freshmans presendce has cost this team a place in the tourney is ridiculous. Are you mentally challenged? How on earth can the dynamics of a team be changed so much by a newcomer, one that actually contributed no less. Jhamar not only contributed but actually was the best F/T % member of the team, which in fact was the deciding factor of many of the losses this season. Hell what do you keep bringing Kenny and Azzarelli back in it for it's not like you can bring them back and Youngblood was not brought in to fill their shoes he was recuited for what he could bring to MU. How many times does tony have to say it ( since you are slow) Heeeeeeeeeeee waaaaaaaaaaassss nnnnoooooootttt rrreeeecccrrruuuiitttttteeeddd aaaaaaassssss aaaaaaaaa pppppoooooiiiinnnnntttt ggggguuuaaaarrrrdddddddd. By the way since you cant let go, my advice to you is to look on the net and find that chic that cloned "Dolly" the sheep,call your dynamic duo (K & A) get some DNA (an old toothbrush should do)from them and have you ONE OF EACH cloaned for your own personal use. Let it go and stop chillax on Jhamar he does not deserve you racking him through the coals.
Forgive me Tony........
To muhawksfan, you know you have to be the sickest individual to grace this "House that Tony built". Just reading your comments indicating that a mere change of a freshmans presendce has cost this team a place in the tourney is ridiculous. Are you mentally challenged? How on earth can the dynamics of a team be changed so much by a newcomer, one that actually contributed no less. Jhamar not only contributed but actually was the best F/T % member of the team, which in fact was the deciding factor of many of the losses this season. Hell what do you keep bringing Kenny and Azzarelli back in it for it's not like you can bring them back and Youngblood was not brought in to fill their shoes he was recuited for what he could bring to MU. How many times does tony have to say it ( since you are slow) Heeeeeeeeeeee waaaaaaaaaaassss nnnnoooooootttt rrreeeecccrrruuuiitttttteeeddd aaaaaaassssss aaaaaaaaa pppppoooooiiiinnnnntttt ggggguuuaaaarrrrdddddddd. By the way since you cant let go, my advice to you is to look on the net and find that chic that cloned "Dolly" the sheep,call your dynamic duo (K & A) get some DNA (an old toothbrush should do)from them and have you ONE OF EACH cloaned for your own personal use. Let it go and stop chillax on Jhamar he does not deserve you racking him through the coals.
Good come back Tony, keep taking that joker to school. He is slow so you are gonna have to keep repeating yourself, maybe he will get it by 08-09.
Tyler,Chris,aren't in the N.B.A. Wow ! I'll take the Jet anyday. I've seen him thrive against some of the best guards in the country. Tyrone Lawson, Mike Connely. Speak to Kevin Boyle about his MAN defense. You don't have a clue about this kid. Tell Tyler or Chris to lace their sneakers and give it whirl. That would be funny. So stop jocking and be true MU fan. The Jet must have destroyed you in high school. OOPS my bad, you never played the game.
To the last poster, you are highly intelligent. Where did you get your GED?
To the last dumb ass idiot poster: Chris and Tyler had GREAT careers, why? Because they WON and were LEADERS, and also had great individual careers. What you and your little JET cronies dont understand is that its about winning, not jocking anyone or whateevr your lingo is. They are WINNERS! Not one kid on this year's team is a real winner YET, except Marques Alston. Sorry Deki!
It's absolutely amazing that someone would blame Youngblood! Incredible! He earns Rookie of the Year and is simultaneously slammed as being a horrible point guard which he wasn't recruited to be...I've heard it all now.
And maybe Whitney and Mike didn't perform so well this year because they played behind Tyler and Chris. They were never put into the leadership role one on the team was.
Stop being bitter. Stop blaming the Rookie of the Year winner.
This comment has been removed by the author.
To last poster - now I know why talk radio hosts hang up on so many people. long as no one curses, uses excessive foul language, or delivers personal insults they may express themselves here..even if their opinions - in my opinion - have no bearing on reality.
About Bangura..he was a talent. Now what was missing until the last two weeks of that season? Answer - a point guard.
Then Dave let Maurice Williams out of the dog house, and MU won five of its last seven games.
What was missing this year??? Steady play at point guard.
and Jhamar was not a point guard. But we've been there, done that.
To so called MU HAWKS FAN
So what you are saying is that NEC is selecting bad point guards even though this kid ISNT A POINT GUARD for NEC rookie of the year. Give me a break you dont have a clue. Hands down this kid has potential of being the greatest player to ever walk threw MU ever!!!
Where you at now??????????
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